Collaboratory ‘Sacred Places, Pilgrimage and Emotions’

Collaboratory : 23 – 25 May at the University of Melbourne
The collaboratory ‘Sacred Places, Pilgrimage and Emotions’, convened by Professor Charles Zika and Dr Sarah Randles, will take place from Thursday 23 May until Saturday 25 May 2013 at the University of Melbourne.
This interdisciplinary collaboratory, hosted by the ARC Centre of Excellence
for the History of Emotions, will explore the emotions created in response to sacred place or space from the late antique to the modern period, and how these emotions are employed to build, strengthen and defend different forms of community and community identity.
Full details of the program and how to register are available on the flyer: Sacred Places Collaboratory – flyer
Associated with the collaboratory is a public lecture and keynote speech to be delivered on the evening of Thursday 23 May by Dr Simon Ditchfield, Reader at the University of York, on the topic ‘Thinking with Rome: Space, Place and Emotion in the Making of the First World Religion’.
Full details, including how to register, are available on the flyer: Public Lecture – Simon Ditchfield
Registration for both events is free, but places are limited and registration is essential. Please note that you must register separately for the collaboratory and the public lecture if you wish to attend both events.
For further enquiries regarding both events, please email Jessie Scott
([email protected]).