The ‘Heretics’ – One Day Colloquium

The ‘Heretics’, an ecumenical theological discussion group, will be marking its centenary with a one day colloquium on the theme of:
‘Creeds and Conflicts: Doing Theology in Sydney 1916-2016’
To be held at St Paul’s College, Sydney University
on Wednesday 30 November 2016.
‘Creeds and Conflict: Doing Theology in Sydney 1916-2016’
Heretics Centenary Conference & St Paul’s College Colloquium 2016
St Paul’s College, University of Sydney. 30 November 2016
8.30-9.15 Registration and Tea
9.15-9.30 Opening Remarks. President, Heretics
9.30-10.30 ‘The Sydney Intellectual/Religious Scene 1916- 2016’. Prof Jim Franklin, UNSW
10.30-11.00 Morning Tea
11.00-12.30 The Protestant Ascendancy
- Anglicanism. Rev Dr Bruce Kaye.
- Presbyterianism. Dr Mark Hutchinson, Scots College
12.30 to 1.15 Lunch
1.15-2.15 Catholicism. Prof Paul Crittenden. University of Sydney
2.15-3.15 Challenges to the Protestant Ascendancy
- Methodism, Congregationalism and the Uniting Church. Dr Glen O’Brien, Booth College (Sydney College of Divinity).
- Pentecostalism. A/Prof Denise Austin, Alphacrucis College.
3.15-3.45 Afternoon Tea
3.45- 5.15 Panel- Contemporary Scene Chair: Prof Paul Oslington, Alphacrucis College
Scott Stephens, ABC Religion and Ethics
Dr Ruth Powell, Director, NCLS Research
Dr Greg Clarke, CEO, Bible Society in Australia.
6.00 Dinner at Rubyos. 20 King St, Newtown, 9557 2669. Approx $50. BYO
8.00-9.00 ‘The Heretics, 1916-2016’. Dr Geoff Treloar, ACT
Paul Oslington and Ian Tregenza.
$50 or full time student rate of $30. Please email Ian Tregenza at [email protected] to register.
Queries to Ian at [email protected] or to Paul Oslington at [email protected] .
The room limits us to 45 registrations, so please register early to avoid disappointment.
Please let us know whether you can come to the dinner so we can book for the appropriate number at Rubyos.