RHA small grants, closing 31 April 2013

The Religious History Association invites applications for small grants to support the purposes of the Association:
- to promote and advance the study of religious history in Australia
- to promote the study of all fields of religious history
- to encourage research of Australian religious history
- to publish the Journal of Religious History
Funding Guidelines for the assessment of workshop grants. The maximum available for individual requests is about $500.
- Provide a brief abstract of the workshop indicating title, theme, time, place, etc. (100 words).
- Indicate how the workshop fits the purposes of the Association.
- List the name, position, and institution of the workshop leader(s) and any other known participants.
- Indicate intended number and nature of intended participants (post grads, ECRs, senior academics, etc).
- Provide a description of the theme or research thesis, method, and theoretical framework of the workshop (up to 500 words).
- Indicate whether the workshop enhances an existing research project or initiates a new collaborative project.
- Provide a preliminary workshop programme.
- Append an itemised workshop budget. Indicate any intended outcomes of the workshop (edited collection, journal articles, etc.
Applications for funding support should be submitted to the Treasurer, Prof. John Gascoigne: Email: [email protected].
Deadlines for submission will be two weeks before the scheduled meetings of the RHA steering committee which usually occur in May/June and November. Notice of the call for applications will be made on the RHA website and mailing list.
Workshops which receive funding must acknowledge the support of the RHA in the papers of the workshop and in any publications which eventuate. The next deadline for applications is 31 April 2013.