CFP: CIHEC Riga 2024

Annual General Meeting of the International Commission of Historians of Religion CIHEC,
Riga, June 3-5, 2024
The International Commission of Historians of Religion and the Theological Faculty of the University of Latvia organize the general meeting of the CIHEC ( in 2024. It will take place in Riga from June 3 to June 5, 2024. We will start on June 3 at 14.00 and will end on the evening of June 4. The last day (June 5) will be reserved for sightseeing.
The general meeting has the character of a conference, for which we have the honour of announcing a:
Call for Papers
on the theme
Gender and Sexuality in Christian History
The aim of the conference is to explore how theologies, spaces, discourses, and power are gendered and negotiated within Christianity in various sociocultural contexts. The focus is on the interaction between religious organizations, society, and the individual.
The conference is open to papers from the early church to contemporary Christianity. Papers could examine ideas, material culture, ecclesial structures, forms of communication, the interaction of religious communities, and their theologies with the political and societal domain.
Papers can be presented in English, German, or French (for the last two languages the condition is that the paper is accompanied by a PowerPoint in English). In any case, we recommend you accompany papers with a visual presentation (PowerPoint or similar).
Proposals for papers include a title and a short summary of up to 150 words which highlights the specific contribution of the proposed paper. They have to be sent at the latest on March 1, 2024, to [email protected]. Applicants will be informed whether their proposal is accepted after March 15, 2024