The Society is planning a conference in 2016 on Saturday 24 September at the Australian Catholic University North Sydney Campus (with a welcome event on the Friday evening at St John’s College [Sydney University]). The theme is:
To and from the Antipodes: Catholic missionaries over two centuries.
This theme covers all aspects of Catholic missionary activities within and originating from Australia and New Zealand over the past 200 years, including (but certainly not limited to): the context of decisions to undertake or cease missionary activity; the purposes and practices of missionary work (especially if these varied amongst the various orders); the challenges and the support provided; changes over time in these perceptions and approaches.
Abstracts of presentations (up to 300 words, including title, author affiliations and address [including e-mail address]) are sought with a receipt deadline of 31 May, 2016. They should be in Word format and be submitted to [email protected] A brief biography of the presenter (100 words maximum) should accompany each abstract.
The abstracts will be selected by the ACHS academic program committee and published (together with the biographies) in a booklet which will be distributed to participants at the conference. It is planned to have the provisional program finalised and announced by 30 June. The general scheme for the program is a Keynote Lecture, followed by individual presentations (20 minutes’ duration with a 10-minute discussion/question period), with parallel sessions. The ACHS Council has $500 as a prize for an excellent paper presented by a student.
It is anticipated that the registration fee (which will include the welcome event, conference lunch, as well as morning and afternoon teas) will be $100. There will be a concessional registration fee for full-time students. All participants, including presenters, will be required to register.