CALL FOR PAPERS – “Religion and Conflict”
Religious History Association Conference 2014
The Religious History Association, in conjunction with the Centre for the History of European Discourses at The University of Queensland, has great pleasure in calling for papers for the next annual conference of the Religious History Association to be held at the University of Queensland, St Lucia campus, from 8—10 July 2014.
The conference theme is “Religion and Conflict.” Papers addressing all aspects of the theme are invited. In particular, we welcome proposals of both papers and panels related to the following topics:
Science and religion
Orthodoxy and heterodoxy
Confessionalization and religious self-definition
Crisis and pathogenesis in religious experience
Gender in religion and conflict
Crises of faith
The role of religion in times of conflict
Religion and war
Theism, atheism and the new atheists
Keynote speaker: Professor Emeritus Ron Numbers (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Submission of proposals for papers and panels:
Proposals of papers of not more than twenty minutes, followed by ten minutes question time, or for panels of ninety minutes (consisting of three twenty-minute papers) will be considered. To submit a paper or panel proposal for the Religious History Association conference, please visit the online portal at the Australian Historical Association conference website, located at and follow the instructions provided. Proposals will be accepted until 15 March 2014.
Details concerning registration will be made available at the same site at a later date. Please note that a publication based on the conference theme is planned.
Key conference details in brief:
Religion and Conflict
Tuesday 8 July—Thursday 10 July 2014.
The University of Queensland, Brisbane (St. Lucia Campus)
Keynote Speaker
Professor Emeritus Ron Numbers (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Dr. Leigh Penman, Centre for the History of European Discourses, University of Queensland ([email protected])
Please note that the Religious History Association conference will be held in conjunction with the 33rd annual conference of the Australian Historical Association, which takes place at the University of Queensland between 7 and 11 July 2014, on the theme “Conflict in History.” As such, conference delegates will not be limited to participating only in the RHA sessions, but may attend all Australian Historical Association events, including associated streams and social events, such as the opening reception, conference dinner, postgraduate skills sessions, etc.
To offer a paper or a panel, please visit the conference website at by 15 March 2014.
Keynote Speakers
Professor Christopher Clark (St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge)
Professor Karen Hagemann (University of North Carolina)
Other Plenary Sessions and Panels
Professor Marilyn Lake, AHA Presidential Address – “1914: Death of a Nation”
“Theorising Violence in History” – Professor Stuart Carroll (York), Professor Philip Dwyer (Newcastle), Professor Amanda Nettelbeck (Adelaide)
“Violence and the Intimate Frontier” – Professor Lynette Russell (Monash), Assoc. Professor Vicky Haskins (Newcastle) and Dr Angela Wanhalla (Otago)
Big Questions in History – “The Changing Public Faces of History”
Conference email address for all enquiries: [email protected]