Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies, 2016
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies. Registration for the Summer Session (1, 2 & 3 August) is now open.
The meeting will be held at The Old Library in the Oxford University Church of St Mary. Constructed in 1320, The Old Library is the first university (as opposed to college) building in Oxford and therefore uniquely important; this is where the nascent University began.
The sessions will be hosted by Canon Brian Mountford MBE, Vicar of St Mary’s. Dr. Mountford is a Fellow and Chaplain of St Hilda’s College in the University of Oxford.
You are invited to present a paper on an aspect of religious studies, or you may wish to attend as an observer. The symposium is inter-disciplinary and has a broad-based theme.
The deadline for proposals is 8 July.
The regular registration deadline is 11 July. (Early Registration is 1 June and is £60 less than the regular registration fees).
For more information visit our website Oxford Symposium on Religious Studies