CIHEC – Annual Conference 2012

Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Etudes du Christianisme CIHEC, founded in 1952, is the international organisation of historians of Christianity, and is affiliated to CISH – the International Congress of Historical Sciences. Annual Conference – 11-13 June 2012 Religion and Resistance in Europe from Middle Ages to 21st century University of Tartu, Estonia The...

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3 Day Colloquium – Call for Papers

CAMPION COLLEGE AUSTRALIA: 3 Day Colloquium, 31 AUGUST TO 2 SEPTEMBER 2012 A small but distinct revival of the Liberal Arts has recently taken place, as shown by the emergence of new Catholic Liberal Arts colleges in North America and Australia (such as Campion College) and by the growing litany of voices, in university and media circles, calling for a rehabilitation of the classical Christian...

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RHA Small Grants 2013

The Religious History Association invites applications for funding support to religious history workshops. The purposes of the Association are: to promote and advance the study of religious history in Australia to promote the study of all fields of religious history to encourage research of Australian religious history to publish the Journal of Religious History Workshop Funding Guidelines for...

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AGM – 14 November 2011

Dear RHA members and Friends, The Annual General Meeting of the Religious History Association was held at Macquarie University on Monday 14 November. Minutes of the meeting prepared by Secretary Stuart Piggin are attached to this message. I am delighted to announce that Prof. Edwin Judge has been elected a Fellow of the Religious History Association. A profile will soon appear on the RHA...

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AGM – 2010

The first Annual General Meeting of the Religious History Association was held on Monday 8 November 2010, 5:00 – 7:00 pm Woolley Common Room, University of Sydney.  The meeting included the formal election of the interim RHA committee.  Hilary Carey, President, John Gascoigne, Treasurer, Stuart Piggin, Secretary, and Ian Tragenza, Shurlee Swaine, Philip Almond, Carol Cusack, Chris Hartney and...

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