Mansfield Prize Award- 2018
The Religious History Association has decided to award the Mansfield Prize for 2018 (awarded to the best article published in the Journal of Religious History) to SUZANNE K. KAUFMAN “Les Miraculées de Lourdes: Sacred Celebrities in the Age of Mass Spectacle” published in the December 2018 (vol 42).
The adjudication committee (Katharine Massam, Shurlee Swain and Constant Mews) makes the following statement about the article of Suzanne Kaufman, Associate Professor at Loyola University, Chicago:
It examines the promotion of women as subject to miraculous healing as a remarkably successful strategy that created a new kind of religious celebrity: women healed through the grace of the Virgin. She looks at the medical figures who assisted in promoting scientific recognition of these female miraculées not just as a new phenomenon in the piety of the later nineteenth century, but as a marketing strategy, within the emerging mass media of the day. These women were able to create a new identity for themselves through belief that they had received miraculous healing.
The article fully conforms to the standards of religious history as established by the late Bruce Mansfield, founder of this journal.
Friday 24 March – Seminar Series_Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group – University of Newcastle
The Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle (Australia) is pleased to announce the next paper in our 2023 seminar series, co-hosted with the Gender Research Network at UON, on Friday 24 March, 10-11am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11). The seminar will be simultaneously held on campus and broadcast live via Zoom. (Details and Zoom link below.) Our presenter is Paula Jane Byrne, “Women and Intellectual Life in New South Wales 2 – Rose Selwyn.” When I considered the intellectual life of Ann...
read moreCFP – International Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
CALL FOR PAPERS Religion in Modern Education: Conflict, Policy, and Practice 13-15 April 2023, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Abstract Deadline: 17 March 2023 In democratic systems of modern society, education can be understood as a key site for the production of the citizens of the future. The training system is divided in the two types of public and private schools. The non-government organisations are often distinguished within the categories of secular and sacred groups. Meanwhile, education, which can...
read moreSEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT – Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle (Australia
The Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle (Australia) is pleased to announce the next paper in our 2022 seminar series, on Friday 2 September 2022, 10-11am Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10). The seminar will be simultaneously held on campus and broadcast live via Zoom. (Details and Zoom link below.) Our presenter is Jasper Ludwig (University of Newcastle): The Architecture of the Global Moravian Network (1720–1920). This paper explores the architecture of the global Moravian network,...
read moreSEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT – Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle
The Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle (Australia) is pleased to announce the next paper in our 2022 seminar series, on Friday 2 September 2022, 10-11am Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10). The seminar will be simultaneously held on campus and broadcast live via Zoom. (Details and Zoom link below.) Our presenter is Jasper Ludwig (University of Newcastle): The Architecture of the Global Moravian Network (1720–1920). This paper explores the architecture of the global Moravian network, which...
read moreSEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT – Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry
The Historical, Cultural and Critical Inquiry Group at the University of Newcastle (Australia) is pleased to announce the next paper in our 2022 seminar series, on Friday 2 September 2022, 10-11am Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10). The seminar will be simultaneously held on campus and broadcast live via Zoom. (Details and Zoom link below.) Our presenter is Jasper Ludwig (University of Newcastle): The Architecture of the Global Moravian Network (1720–1920). This paper explores the architecture of the global Moravian network, which...
read moreMansfield Prize 2021 – Makoto Harris TAKAO
The Mansfield Prize for the best article published in the Journal of Religious History for 2021 is awarded to: Makoto Harris TAKAO for his article “Tokugawa Confucian Sermons as Popular Emotional Education: The Moral and Pedagogical Philosophy of Hosoi Heishū” Journal of Religious History 45:1 (2021): 50-67. Makoto’s study offers a remarkably original presentation of how Confucianism was preached and absorbed in eighteenth-century Japan, through the lens of the history of emotion. Makoto’s study...
read moreMansfield Prize 2021 – Makoto Harris TAKAO
Mansfield Prize 2022 The Mansfield Prize for the best article published in the Journal of Religious History for 2021 is awarded to Makoto Harris TAKAO for his article “Tokugawa Confucian Sermons as Popular Emotional Education: The Moral and Pedagogical Philosophy of Hosoi Heishū” Journal of Religious History 45.1 (2021):50-67. His study offers a remarkably original presentation of how Confucianism was preached and absorbed in eighteenth-century Japan, through the lens of the history of emotion. Takao’s study of the preaching of Hosoi Heishu...
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AHA 2022 Religious History Stream – Call for Papers Urgent Encounters: dialogue across religious division The Religious History Association invites proposals for individual papers (20 minute presentations with 10 minutes discussion), roundtable or panel proposals (90 minutes in total for individual papers and commentary), or ‘Worth a Thousand Words’ sessions (10 minute presentations on a single photograph, object or image) that explore the encounter between beliefs and the dynamics of dialogue across religious division in...
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AHA 2022 Religious History Stream The Religious History Association is providing four bursaries to cover the cost of conference registration at AHA 2022 Deakin for HDR, ECR and unwaged colleagues who are giving a paper in the Religious History stream, ‘Urgent Encounters: Dialogue across Religious Division’. Please apply by sending a copy of your proposal for a paper (as submitted to the Conference) along with details of your eligibility and a short CV to the Treasurer. Eligibility: Applicants must be presenting at the AHA...
read moreSymposium News – Hosted by ACU and Deakin University funded by the Religious History Association of Australia
Intellectual authority and its changing infrastructures in Australian and North American Christianity, 1960s-2010s On 28-29 July, the ‘Intellectual Authority and its Changing Infrastructures in North American and Australian Christianity, 1960s-2010s’ symposium, was held, with financial support from the Religious History Association. The Australian Catholic University and Deakin University acted as hosts and provided further practical and financial support. COVID-related lockdowns in NSW and Victoria meant that the symposium was held primarily...
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